9 Social Media Templates to Save You Hours of Work – from hootsuite

What exactly is a social media strategy?

If you use these templates from hootsuite you’ll soon develop your own social media strategy.

1. Social media strategy template

2. Social media audit template

3. Social media content calendar

4. Editorial content calendar

5. Social media analytics report template

6. Social media report template

7. Social media image sizes

8. Social media bios template

9. Bulk upload template

Bonus templates for social media

  • How to conduct customer research to better target prospects (includes a template for creating audience/customer personas)
  • How to work with social media influencers in 2019 (bonus template for brands building an influencer marketing strategy)
  • Everything your brand pitch must include (with a template for social media influencers looking to partner with brands)
  • How to write a social media proposal to win clients
  • Source: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-templates

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