Having switched away from wordpress as the host of this blog, it was time to revisit my options for blogging on the go. Blogger has and continues to support emailing your latest post but with an iPhone in my pocket I was keen to see what was available in Apples App store.
I was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon “BlogPress – Blogger Edition” which is:
“…the free version of BlogPress, built to celebrate Blogger’s 10th Anniversary. This app was engineered by InfoThinker, with the support from Blogger team at Google.”
This app shares similarities to the official wordpress app, therefore allowing users to manage their blog via their iPhone. Creating and editing posts can be done both in portrait and landscape modes, pictures can be uploaded, labels added and local drafts created.
Here are some screen shots to give you a feel for the App:

One feature I’d like to see is a preview, which would enable you to view your post on your phone before publishing.
If you’re a blogger and an iphone user, why not give it a try?