No matter what your chosen blog platform may be there are many ways to post to your blog when you’re out and about: you can use your phones browser and either access the main site or a mobile version; email your article to a special address or use an app that’s been specifically designed for your phone.
Here are four of my favourite blog platforms.
With Blogger you will be able to access the dashboard from your phone’s browser, but my experience of this has been poor. I prefer to either email or use an iPhone App.
To setup email you need to access the ‘Email & Mobile’ tab in the settings menu. From here you can specify an email address where you can email your future posts. Posts can either be published immediately or saved as draft for later.
If you have an iPhone, there are several apps that will enable you to blog on the go, my favourite being BlogPressLite, but you can also try iBlogger, BlogWriter Lite or altBlogger.
WordPress seems to offer similar ways to update your website to blogger, namely through the phone’s browser, via email and through a mobile client. To setup email login to your dashboard and complete the steps in the ‘writing’ section.
On the iPhone I’d recommend installing the official WordPress 2.0 App which offers a clean UI and the ability to fully manage your blog from your iPhone.
Posterous is perhaps the easiest way to blog, just send an email to [email protected] and Posterous will do the rest. You can enable your Posterous account to autoupdate blogger, twitter, facebook, flickr, wordpress and a host of other social networking sites, which makes blogging much simpler to manage.
Tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything. Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos, from your browser, phone, desktop, email, or wherever you happen to be.
I’m relatively new to the platform, but with an iPhone App and the ability to email updates, it seems competitive with the others above.
#blogger #blogpress #mobile #mobileblogging #posterous #tumblr #wordpress