Sunet from a field in Belfast
The image above is google photos stylised image. The image below is the original. The picture was captured on my Pixel 3a.
The image above is google photos stylised image. The image below is the original. The picture was captured on my Pixel 3a.
We were out for a walk tonight and this was the view that accompanied us home.
With the lockdown measures, it has been surprisingly busy on the Comber Greenway. Managed to grab this selfie when the path was free of people.
My wife makes amazing carrot cake and she has shared the recipe on her site:
In case you’re missing the great outdoors, here’s what it might look like.
I’m loving the astrophotography feature on the Pixel 3a.
When a ‘snake charmer’ puts a scorpion on your shirt and then asks for money to remove it 🤦♂️
This is a great view of Canary Wharf. Picture taken on my Pixel 3a using night sight. I’m enjoying making light trails with my Pixel