22 Facebook Statistics that Every Marketer Must Know in 2017


40.5% of people say they prefer ads that are directly related to their interests

At the start of 2017, more than 65 million local businesses had a Facebook page.

79% of online adults use Facebook.

42% of consumers do not follow brands on social media.

42.2% of people like or follow a page so they can get an exclusive offer.

Every Facebook user has more than 1,500 stories competing for a spot in their newsfeed at any given time.

However, only about 300 of those stories are chosen to appear in the newsfeed.

40.5% of people say they prefer ads that are directly related to their interests.

Shorter Facebook posts get 23% more interaction than longer posts.

Posts with photos receive 179% more engagements than other posts.

Videos are the most shared post type, with 89.5 average Facebook shares

The average length of a Facebook video was 3 minutes and 48 seconds.

The average person only watched a Facebook video for 10 seconds.

85% of Facebook videos are watched with the sound turned off.

People are 1.5x more likely to watch video on a smartphone instead of a desktop.

Square video takes up 78% more space in a mobile newsfeed than landscape video does.

Read the full article at adespresso.

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