On the hero, hub, hygiene content strategy – Dig Content


Hero, hub and hygiene content – a strategy that Google has been touting for some time with special emphasis on Youtube – doesn’t need to start and end with video. As I explored in my last post on content strategy, there’s a very valuable place for it right there behind your blog or your brand’s website, and it can be a great structure on which to hang your overall story. For those at the back, let’s begin with a recap of what the strategy is. Google present it using the example of Volvo trucks and their success with Jean Claude Van Damme, so we’ll look at that first, before exploring an area where it has been applied successfully in the past.

  • Hero content is designed to inspire, entertain and attract both new and loyal customers.
  • Hub content takes the form of regular pieces that loyal customers expect, such as weekly or monthly updates.
  • Hygiene content aims to answer questions from customers.

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