A well-structured Digital Marketing and Measurement Model will enable you to get the most out of your web analytics. It’ll help you clarify the purpose of your marketing campaign and what you hope to get out of it, while setting clearly-defined metrics to allow you to keep track of your campaign’s performance. Avinash Kaushik has written an excellent article on how anyone can take advantage of this approach.
The root cause of failure in most digital marketing campaigns is not the lack of creativity in the banner ad or TV spot or the sexiness of the website. It is not even (often) the people involved. It is quite simply the lack of structured thinking about what the real purpose of the campaign is and a lack of an objective set of measures with which to identify success or failure.
I’ve developed the Digital Marketing & Measurement Model as a simple, structured, five step process to infuse this much needed thinking. Here is what each step in the process helps accomplish:
- Step one is to force us to identify the business objectives upfront and set the broadest parameters for the work we are doing. Sr. Executives play a key role in this step.
- Step two is to identify crisp goals for each business objective. Executives lead the discussion, you’ll play a contributing role.
- Step three is to write down the key performance indicators. You’ll lead the work in this step, in partnership with a “data person” if you have one.
- Step four is to set the parameters for success upfront by identifying targets for each KPI. Organization leaders play a key role here, with input from Marketing and Finance.
- Step five, finally, is to identify the segments of people / behavior / outcomes that we’ll analyze to understand why we succeed or failed.
A complete, and competent, Digital Marketing & Measurement Model will focus on three key areas of your marketing, and in each answer the cluster of questions provided:
1. Acquisition.
How are you anticipating acquiring traffic for your website / YT video / whatever else you are creating? Did you cover all three components of successful acquisition: Earned, Owned, Paid media? How would you prioritize each? Where are you spending most of your efforts?
2. Behavior.
What is the behavior you are expecting when people arrive? What pages should they see? What videos should they watch? Should they visit repeatedly? Are there certain actions they should take? What is unique about your effort that ties to an optimal experience for a customer?
3. Outcomes.
What outcomes signify value delivered to the business bottom-line? A download? A phone call to your call center? A qualified online lead? Signing up for email promotions? People buying your product / services ? A 95% task completion rate? A 10 point lift in brand perception?
Simply put: Why are we undertaking this digital initiative?
Step 1: Identify the Business Objectives.
Step 2: Identify Goals for each Objective.
Step 3: Identify the Key Performance Indicators.
Step 4: Identify the Targets.
Step 5: Identify valuable Segments for analysis.
And what the final model might look like: